We strive to deliver to you, our customers, the best products on the market - constantly innovating and improving.Our products are designed to save you time. We are the only company which covers the ancillary range for the HVAC&R market.
Custom robust frameworks for the support of complex and heavy building services. These custom solutions are frequently manufactured from 100 x 50mm parallel flange channel and/or 100x 100mm HEB (European Beam) and supported off fully adjustable leg assemblies utilising our larger 500 x 500mm polypropylene feet, incorporating anti-vibration rubber mats adhered to the underside. However larger steel sections are available dependant on project requirement and/or mass or size of the services being supported. All frameworks are hot dip galvanised. We will provide an AutoCAD drawing proposal together with load calculations prior to manufacture. Application: Suitable for heavier chillers, packaged plantrooms, or complex shaped building services, typically air handling units. Steelwork comes with all necessary fixings and the correct amount of leg assemblies/feet. These are manufactured in the UK offering a very fast lead time.